Thursday 28 February 2019

A good mood is money in the bank!


Admit it, just looking at that image of a happy sun lifted your mood, right?

The good news...

Good moods increase optimism and feeling optimistic can encourage a customer to make a purchase or be persuadable to a request.  Why?  because when we feel optimistic we also feel empowered and are more willing to take a risk or make a buying decision. 

This is elementary level stuff for kids.  Kids know not ask mom or dad for something when they are in a foul mood.  But when dad's team just won the big playoff game or mom just got a promotion at work, their good mood makes them particularly vulnerable to a request for a new bike or a trip to get ice cream.

But wait it get's better...

Consumers in a good mood make impulsive buying decisions more frequently that they would when feeling neutral or negative.

And that's not all...

Clients tend to like sales people more when they are in a good mood.  Of course this positivity can fade quickly if the sales person doesn't live up to expectations.

Why is this so important?  

"It's because all things being equal we prefer to do business with people we like.   And all things not being equal, we still prefer to do business with people we like."

That's right,  even if you don't have the best qualifications, product or service, you can still get a 'yes' just because they like you.  And consider this..

"If you get the business because you have the best product, service or price, you might lose the business when someone else has a better product, service or price.

But if they really like you, then you would really have to screw up before they would go elsewhere."

And did you know...

Clients in a good mood don't just make a sale more likely, they are more receptive to a higher purchase price!

The secret that Master Persuaders know is that moods are contagious!

We know that sales go up on warm sunny days or when the home team wins the championship.  But not every day is going to be sunshine, roses and rainbows.  So if you can't sell in the sunshine than be the sunshine.

Your mood can make or break a sale.  You already know that being in a negative mood kills sales.  But did you know that even being in a neutral mood also hurts your chances?

Master Persuaders are like method actors.  You can't always be Mrs Charming or Mr  Happy Go Lucky so you have to get yourself in a good mood before you start talking to your clients.  And how are you going to turn on the charm in an instant when the phone rings?

Glad you asked grasshopper!   Here's one of my magic tricks for a quick mood lift...

I keep this card next to my phone.  One glance at it usually makes me smile.  And the effect it has on clients is hilarious.  Usually they will come back some smart a** response like;  well you can get me a hot date for Saturday or you can sell me what I want for half price. The point is it usually makes them laugh.   And a shared laugh is like crazy glue for sales.

Just imagine what it would feel like if you called a company and they answered with something  like this...

"Hello this is Amanda, thank you for calling ABC Products And Services.   How can we make you happy today?

Compare that to the typical company message...."Hello this is Amanda, thank you for calling ABC Products And Services.  How may I direct your call?

We all like to laugh and joke around.   It's like honey to a bear, we just can't resist it.   It makes us feel good.

There are a boatload of ideas for helping to put you and your clients in a good mood.   Here are just a few...


A sincere compliment.  A few weeks ago I ran into a lady I hadn't seen for several years.  She said to me, 'you look great have you been working out?'   Ok, maybe she wasn't being all that sincere but who cares it made me feel great.  Mark Twain and I have something in common..

And then there are those who give out compliments like they are coming out of their bank account.  Why be stingy?  They cost nothing and make both the giver and receiver feel great.

Small gifts

Imagine you are toiling away at your desk and one of your co-workers unexpectedly shows up with a cup of your favorite coffee. How thoughtful, right?  That good feeling can last for hours.  Later that day he asks you for a small favor. What are you going to say? 

Good gossip

What if you heard that a client was saying good things about you behind your back?  Gossip travels at light speed no matter whether its good or bad.

A warm smile

Have you noticed that when you smile at someone, they smile right back at you.   It is an irresitable response and makes them instantly like you a little more.   Have you ever noticed that those that smile the most tend to be the most popular.  We are drawn to happy people like wine to the women I know and like.

If you wanted to, I'll bet you could come up with 10 ways to create a good mood for someone in mere minutes? 

And if you want to make me happy, please share this article!  

Monday 25 February 2019

Is this too good to be true?

"When you give a person  a sense of being in control they become twice as willing to say yes to your request"

When I first came across this technique I thought to myself, 'ok, this sounds too good to be true?'  Happily I found that research from 42 different psychology studies on 22,000 people confirmed it is legit (Carpenter 2013).  But you don't need to believe me, you are free to take it for a test drive and prove it to yourself? 

Research has proven that when a person feels as if they are in control (empowered) it causes them to be more optimistic.   That optimism makes them to be willing to try something new and twice as likely to say yes to any request.

So how do you give your clients that sense of being in control?

Use the 'but you are free' technique. 

Here's how it works. You ask someone to buy your product or service and then acknowledge that the other person has the power to accept or reject it.  Simple. And the actual words you use don't seem to matter.

e.g.  Imagine you are negotiating a deal and are about to give your final offer.   You would say something like this....'this is our best possible price; I know it is a fair one and we will deliver on all of our promises as I explained.  But Joseph and Samantha you are free to accept it or continue to shop the market?

Or consider this variation...

Instead of saying, ' but you are free' you could say...and of course Joseph and Samantha the decision is yours to make.

You can use this amazingly simple technique to; close a sale, negotiate an offer or get an appointment...

Imagine they buyer is shopping around on the internet for a car or a home?   They call your office and inquire about pricing etc.   After qualifying their wants and desires as best as you can, you might say something like this...

Ryan what if you and Amy were to stop by here this afternoon because I would love to show you what we have available right now that might excite you?  But of course that decision is yours to make!

Now what if I told you that I've found a simple way to turbo charge this technique?   I know what you are thinking....Edward now that is too good to be true, right?

Well here is the phrase that pays and has proven to be money in the bank.  It has helped me close deals on properties worth millions of dollars and everyone I've shared it with, raves about how beautifully effective it is.  

So let the bells ring and the flags fly,  here are the magic words...

'but you're the boss, so you get to decide'

Imagine the realtor who just made her listing presentation and concludes by saying....Nathan and Emily we have the best possible marketing plan to get you the quickest sale for the most amount of money and I'm excited to prove that it will work for you.   But you're the boss, so you get to decide!

Or the car salesman who is showing a car to a buyer and wants him to take it for a test drive.....Jason what if you were take this big beast for a test drive because you won't appreciate it until you take it on the highway for a spin?  But of course you're the boss so you decide!

Why it works!

First, it clearly gives the buyer the feeling that they are in control.  After all you are telling them they are the boss. They are not being sold, they are buying and that is exactly what they want!

Secondly, how many people actually get to be the boss?  For most people the only time they get to be the boss is when they are parents.  So this becomes a huge compliment that they love.

Third, anyone can say no but only the boss gets to say 'yes'.  So at a subconcious level they want to say yes, so they can confirm that feeling of being the boss.   It just feels good to give their approval to your request.   It makes them feel empowered to be the boss!

Fourth, they will like you for making them feel like they are in control. 

Note:  I recognize that there are a few people who aren't comfortable using this technique because they want to feel like they are the boss and not the client.  Their fragile ego wants to impress.  And then the client doesn't want to be impressed with you but they love it when you are impressed with them.  That's when the will bend over backwards to do business with you!

There are so many ways you can use this technique to get a yes to any request. I challenge you to take it for a test drive because although it is ridiculously simple, it works like magic.  But of course you are the boss, so the decision is yours!

Tuesday 19 February 2019

To sell like a superstar treat and greet them like a friend

"To gain influence over others, make them feel that you are more interested in them as a person than as a customer."  

One of the expressions I dislike's just business.   No it's not.  All business is personal.  Selling and persuading is all about developing personal relationships.

Before you can persuade anyone to buy your product or service you must first get past their resistance.   If you try to close a sale before you've gained some trust, respect or likeability you will likely fail.   The natural tendency is to say no to any proposal that isn't the status quo.    No one wants to be sold anything. However we do love to buy, especially if it is from someone we like, trust or respect.

"Your first objective is not to make the sale it is to start a relationship."

 Here are  7 ways to make them feel like you are their friend...

1.  Use their first name .   Start and end every conversation with their first name.   People love to hear their name.   It is highly personal.   Smile whenever you say their name and it will feel like you are a friend.   Also start and end with their first name if you are emailing or texting them.  Caution:  don't over do it.   Saying their name too frequently will have the opposite affect.   They will start to distrust you and think you are trying to manipulate them.

Bonus may not be consciously aware of it but when you meet a good friend most of us give a little nod of our head when we say their name.   That little nod plus a warm smile is a powerful rapport builder.  Try it because it works like magic!

2.  Always be looking for something to like about the person.  If you start liking them they will start liking you.

3.  Seek the similarities.   It's the things that we have in common with others that is the basis of how most friendships are started.   It was my love of boating and being on the water that led me to great friendships with others who shared my passion.    We all tend to like people who share our interests and passions.

4.  Show interest in what they like.    People love to talk about two things;  themselves and the things they love.    So ask lots of questions about them and their interests.

5. Friends give friends small gifts.    So show up with a small gift and watch their resistance melt away like ice cream on hot pavement.   It can be as simple as a cup of coffee.  Just remember that gifts with your company name on it are considered advertising and do not create gratitude or reciprocity.  Don't do that.

6. Greet them and say good bye like you would to a good friend.   Big smile and an energetic warm greeting or good bye.   Act a little excited to see them and they will be receptive.

7.  Make a commitment to developing a friendship.    One meeting  won't always do it.    Familiarity breeds likeability.  Likeability leads to friendship and friendship begets trust.  Trust leads to lots of long term business and  becoming a superstar!

BEYOND THE OBVIOUS...pretending that the person you are about to meet for the first time is a friend will causes you to relax and make a much better first impression.    Same goes when giving a presentation or at a job interview.   I pretend that the audience are my friends and a lot of the nervousness goes away.  
Try it because the best and most loyal clients are friends!

Thursday 14 February 2019

What if I could show you a fun easy way to get people to do what you want?

What if I told you that there is no need to work hard, sacrifice and delay gratification till some distant time in the future?  What if I told you that selling was meant to be fun, easy and abundant?   

What if I told you that asking hypothetical questions could influence how people will act? The way that you ask questions can be highly persuasive especially if the question starts with the words, ‘what if.’    

Why it works…

The brain process ‘what if’ as if it isn’t even there.   So people are processing your question as if it were fact according to recent research from the University of Alberta.  Think about that?

So lets have some fun and run through a few examples of how you might use this seductively simple persuasion technique..

1)  A realtor wants to get a listing on a home.

E.G.   “What if I told you that I could get your home sold quicker and for more money because we have a  unique marketing system?”

Why it works?    

If you dropped the ‘what if’  and just said, ‘I can sell your home quicker for more money because we have a unique marketing system.’   The client would most likely be thinking to herself…‘yeah right, that’s what they all say’.  

 But if you precede the statement with ‘what if’  then she allows the information into her brain without resistance and wonders to herself how might that be possible?  The realtor now has an open door to continue the persuasion because she is now considering it as a possibility. 

2)  You want a client to sign up for your weight loss program.

E.G.   What if you could lose 20 lbs before spring and you could eat as much as you like?

Why it works? 

Again it gets past the resistance by not phrasing it in a way that would be perceived as a sales pitch.   The client can’t help but imagine it being possible to lose those 20 lbs by spring.   Remember you haven’t directly asked for the sale you have just proposed a possibility.   The clients response will dictate how you react.   If you’ve gained their interest with your ‘what if’ question the sale is half done.   

3)   The car sales person says, what if we could get the financing approved this afternoon and you could drive that beautiful SUV home today?

Why it works?

The buyer might start imagining his jealous friends reactions to his beautiful new machine.  Or the feeling of pride driving home and parking it in front of his home for all the neighbours to admire. In short, the ’what if’ question causes him to mentally take ownership of the car.  

What if I told all you ladies reading this;  that women who meet me, find me to be a handsome devil and totally irresistible? No, you’re not buying that? Dang I should have kept my big mouth shut and never shared this stuff with you!

Of course this will only work if your ’what if’ question is received as credible and plausible.  

Will this work all of the time?   No, nothing works all of the time despite what the self help Guru’s try to peddle us.  But you will be surprised how often it works like magic.

nus tip..

If you give a few nods while using your 'what if' question it will double your chances of getting a yes!   I double dog dare you to try this and let me know how it works for you?

Beyond the obvious..

Using ‘what if’ questions is a beautiful way to avoid flat out rejection because it is only a ‘what if’.   If you don’t get a yes, you can re-phrase it and try again a little later.   Sooo….what if I told you ladies that I might not be the most handsome guy you’ll meet but I buy my dates really cool presents?

What if it told you that if you hit the facebook or subscribe button below it will make you richer and skinnier?

Sunday 10 February 2019

The simple gesture that makes you 40% more attractive!

The simple gesture that makes you 40% more attractive!

(Illustration by Yohei Kanno)

The simple gesture of nodding raises your perceived attractiveness, likeability and approachability by as much as 40% (according to a study by Japanese researcher Junichiro Kawahara at Hokkaido University)

Why is this so important in sales? 

This means people will choose to do business with someone they like even if a competitor has a slightly better product or service.

Anything you can do to improve your likeability is a short cut to success!   And admit it who does want to be seen as more attractive?  

Note:  the attractiveness is not related to physical attributes, but rather relates to personality traits. (I know what you were thinking. That headline had me thinking...40% more attractive will put me in George Clooney or Brad Pitt territory?)

For the past month I’ve been sharing this beautifully simple tip with sales people in various fields, with amazing results. 

But wait it gets even better! 

How and when you nod doesn't just lower people's shield's, it can also cause others to…

Say ‘yes’ to your request.   When asking a client if they want to buy your product or service, a couple of small nods combined with a warm smile will cause them to want to say yes to you. 

e.g.  So (smile) Jared (nodding) how would you feel about driving that super hot red sports car home today because it‘s not going to be on the lot for long?

(Smile) Well Jesse and Jayden (nodding) can you imagine how much fun it would be to entertain your friends on this beautiful family room in front of that fireplace because we could get you possession before spring arrives?

Simple formula:   Smile, name, nodding and request leads to an urge to say ‘yes’.

Make you more believable.  Nodding when you are making a major point in a presentation will cause your clients to believe what you are telling them.  

e.g.  (nodding)  we take great pride in our after sales service because we want you to be so happy you will want to refer us to your friends!

Encourage clients to open up. 

A few slow nods as you client speaks  encourages them to keep on talking. 

Master Persuaders know that you can only learn a clients wants and desires when you can get them to open up.   Your ideal objective should be a 70/30 talking ratio.  That’s them talking 70% of the time and you 30%. Maybe that's why ambiverts and sometimes even introverts can out sell extroverts? 

Interesting fact: the #1 reason people don't trust sales people is that they don't really listen and they talk too much!

Research has shown that sales superstars aim for this ratio.   How do they do it?  They ask open ended questions, nodding when the client speaks and they resist the urge to interrupt (which is super annoying).

Now let's talk about the speed and rhythm of the nod - 

*  Slow and lengthy nods usually show agreement and understanding. It conveys…"Take your time I'm listening"

*  Several small barely noticeable nods combined with a smile and a request is irresistible.

*  Your nods shouldn’t me more than a few inches.   The nods are barely noticeable.

Did you know this happens on a subconscious level? And who knew such a simple psychological tip could be so darn effective. Provided you don’t overdue it, no one will be consciously aware of what you are doing.

Nodding is so addictive that it's hard to resist nodding in return when someone does it to you.  And just try to say no when you are nodding yes!

With these facts in mind you gain a new power over your interactions:

A word of caution…

Nodding loses its power if you over do it.  You don’t want to look like a bobble head, so use it judiciously.
Beyond the obvious…Calming the beast

A lady friend cornered me a few days ago and vented about how poorly her boss was treating her.  My first thought was oh no, she’s going off the rails again. Her habit was to rant with the persistence of the energy bunny.  She just keeps going and going..

So this time I tried using occasional slow nodding as she spoke while throwing in the a few uh huh’s.   Five minutes later she calmed down and thanked me for listening to  her.   She gave me a long warm hug and said it was the first time anyone had ever taken the time to really listen and understand her.  I was stunned.   She went from raging bull to happy puppy in mere minutes.

So what do you think would happen if you tried this on an upset customer?

Why it works?

Glad you asked grasshopper.   Because if you make someone feel that they are being understood and listened to it makes them feel respected.   And when they feel respected they feel good and credit you as the source of that good feeling.   Now they are open to suggestions and requests from you.   Beautiful, huh?  Who knew just shutting your mouth and nodding had such magic!

What are you going to do with this knowledge?

*  Take it for test drive?  Try it out on your clients, your spouse, friends and peers because you just might be surprised how often you can get others to your bidding.    How cool is that?

*  Review and repeat.   After every interaction, I like to do a mental review and ask myself, did I use this ridiculously simple psychological technique as directed and what effect did it have?

*  And anyway who doesn't want to be 40% more attractive?

*  Make my day and let me know how it worked for you!  And if you really want to make me happier than a dog with a bone, hit the subscribe link or hit the facebook share button below for more 'Secrets of Master Persuaders'...

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Gestures that will make you persuasive

Gestures that will make you persuasive

Whether you are making a speech, giving a presentation or trying to persuade someone, understanding how to use gestures can make you more persuasive.    As you can see from this chart the experts tell us that body language (which includes gestures) is the most important element in being powerfully persuasive...

Here are the most important gestures and what they mean..

Hands at a 90 degree angle and fingers together conveys confidence in what you are saying.

Hands open with palms down means you are certain about what  you are saying.

Hands open with palms up means you are asking for something from your audience.

Hands open with palms at a 45 degree angle means you are being open and honest.

Hands to your chest or on your heart is meant to convey honesty.  It's easier to imagine how much more convincing President Clinton would have been had he used this gesture instead of the one below when talking about Monica Lewinsky....

and what if you want to convey extreme confidence?

Steepling of your hands conveys intelligence, confidence and thoughtfulness.

Those are just some of the gestures that great speakers use to become more persuasive.    And of course the most successful politicians, leaders and sales people (Master Persuaders) are the most practiced at using them.  

Finally I will leave you with this gesture...

It's a do different day! Einstien said doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity. So because I know you d...