Saturday 19 December 2020

The happiness advantage


"Happy people are strong magnets.  We are irresistible drawn to be near them"

Studies of sports teams have found that even one happy player was enough to infect the mood of the entire team.   And the happier the team, the better they played!  Why?  It's because moods are contagious.   The happy virus spreads through a group faster than a jack rabbit in front of a prairie fire.  Happiness is cognitive candy to the brain.

So what does this mean when you are trying to persuade someone to buy your product, service or idea?  Fun is the path of least resistance!  Make your client happy and their resistance to you will melt away faster than ice cream on hot pavement.   Happy people are way more likely to make changes and take chances.   Let that sink in!

But wait, it get's even better..

Did you know, energy flows to fun?   The happier you are the more energy you will have, and the better your brain will work.   Selling becomes fun, easy and abundant when you are on a happy high.   The best thing is, shared laughter is like crazy glue for you and your clients.

Why it works..

Moods are contagious.  Thanks to our mirror neurons, we can read and feel emotions in another persons face in 33 milli-seconds.  So the first step in your sales process is to get high.   And it works for so many other things you do as well.   I know when I'm happy I am more creative and are much better at writing seductively simple posts like this.  

The dangers of being too serious..

Dull, boring and serious sucks the energy out of everyone.   It puts your client into what is called slow thinking.   This where they become critical and judgemental.   They start weighing the pro's and con's of your proposal.   They are much more apt to say; no thanks or let me think it over.   On the other hand when they get infected with your happiness they switch into fast thinking mode. This is where they are much more likely to be impulsive and make a quick 'yes' decision.  

Ok, Mr SmartyPants, what is a simple way to get my client in a happy mood?

What if you started out a conversation by can I make you happy today?   It almost always makes the client laugh and respond by saying something like; you could give me a million dollars or you can get me a hot date for Saturday night.   When you start a conversation or meeting with something fun everything gets easier.   

Here is my ridiculously simple 3 step process for sales success..

1.  Fun first
2.  Serious second
3.  Buy me a beer!

P.S.   If you want to make me happier than a mosquito at a nudist colony, just hit the facebook share button below.   Or share it as you see fit.  Oh, and it would be cool if you left a comment below.  Cheers!

Monday 2 November 2020

What if making sales was easier than you thought?


What if I told you that there is no need to work hard, sacrifice and delay gratification till some distant time in the future?  What if I told you that selling was meant to be fun, easy and abundant?   

What if I told you that asking hypothetical questions could influence how other people will act? The way that you ask questions can be highly persuasive especially if the question starts with the words, ‘what if.’    

Why it works…

The brain processes the words ‘what if’ as if it isn’t even there.   So people are processing your question as if it were fact according to recent research from the University of Alberta.  Think about that?

Lets have some fun and run through a few examples of how you might use this seductively simple persuasion technique..

1)  A realtor wants to get a listing on a home.

E.G.   “What if I told you that I could get your home sold quicker and for more money by using our companies  unique marketing system?”

Why it works?    

If you dropped the ‘what if’  and just said, ‘I can sell your home quicker for more money by using our unique marketing system.’   The client would most likely be thinking to herself…‘yeah right, that’s what they all say’.  

 But if you precede the statement with ‘what if’  then the client allows the information into her brain without resistance and wonders to herself how might that be possible?  The realtor now has an open door to continue the persuasion because she is now considering it as a possibility. 

2)  You want a client to sign up for your weight loss program.

E.G.   What if you could lose 20 lbs before Christmas and you could eat as much as you like?

Why it works? 

Again it gets past the resistance by not phrasing it in a way that would be perceived as a sales pitch.   The client can’t help but imagine it being possible to lose those 20 lbs by Christmas.   Remember you haven’t directly asked for the sale you have just proposed a possibility.   The clients response will dictate how you react.   If you’ve gained their interest with your ‘what if’ question the sale is half done.   

3)   The car sales person says, what if we could get the financing approved this afternoon and you could drive that beautiful SUV home today?

Why it works?

The buyer might start imagining his jealous friends reactions to his beautiful new machine.  Or the feeling of pride driving home and parking it in front of his home for all his neighbors to admire. In short, the ’what if’ question causes him to mentally take ownership of the car.  

Of course this will only work if your ’what if’ question is received as credible and plausible.  

Will this work all of the time?   No, nothing works all of the time despite what the self help Guru’s try to peddle us.  But you will be surprised how often it works like magic.   

Beyond the obvious..

Using ‘what if’ questions is a beautiful way to avoid flat out rejection because it is only a ‘what if’.   If you don’t get a yes, you can re-phrase it and try again a little later.

What if you were to hit the facebook share button below, because it would make me happier than a mosquito at a nudist camp?

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Donald Trumps Secret Sauce For Success


Science proves that fake it till you make it works!

According to what we call status-enhancement theory, people gain influence by acting dominant and confident. Doing so gives others the impression that you’re a competent person. One study tested the effect of dominance on perceived competence—and how a person’s true level of competence factors into how others see them (from Psychology Today)

Before the session began the researchers rate how dominant each person felt
their personality was and their dominant behaviors during the study.  Then they gave them math problems to solve.  When the problem-solving session was over, team members also judged each other’s mathematical abilities, and a new set of observers made the same judgments based on the recording of that session.

The critical finding was that peers and observers judged the more dominant members to be more mathematically competent, regardless of whether the answers they gave were correct or incorrect.


Why was self-confidence more important than accuracy when others judged them?

For some reason, we are mesmerized when people express themselves with absolute conviction. We will overlook inaccuracies, omissions, and flaws in reasoning, because conviction temporarily distracts us from the substance of what they’re saying.

Donald Trump's secret sauce is absolute certainty!   Nothing he says is wishy washy.  He has the biggest brain.   He is smarter than the generals and the scientists.    Only he can solve the countries problems and guess what?   Millions of American believed him.   

Fake till you make it also has a positive side that you can use.   Nervous about an important presentation or interview?   Fake it.   Tell yourself you are the best person for the job or presentation and then act like it.  Stand tall, speak strong and look the part because it will make you look more competent and believable.   Trust me I've done this many times in my life particularly when speaking in front of large groups and it works!

Beyond the obvious..

Did you know that the  first person to speak up at a meeting is usually the one whose thoughts and ideas are accepted?  Why?  Because speaking up first makes you appear to be the dominant person in the room and thus deemed to be confident and believable.    So when your boss asks for input or ideas, be the first to stand up and respond and every one present will think more highly of you.

Remember this....Donald Trump got to be President of the United States because he faked it until he made it!


Monday 13 July 2020

Simple phrase to get people to tell you what they are really thinking


To find out the needs, wants, and views of others just ask. Tell me what you need to move forward? or Tell me more about the problems you are facing?,” Amazingly, people will happily open up and give you insights into what they are thinking and what their priorities are.

‘Tell me’ is more than just a prompt. It almost compels the other person to open up. It’s the broadest possible question to give you the most information.  And that gives you the best possible insight into the challenges you’re facing.

"You can't solve an objection unless you first find out what the real objection is"

'Tell me', gives the person you are trying to persuade a feeling of being in control instead of the feeling of being sold.
 There are several reasons why it’s so effective. It gives you the other person’s view. When you say “tell me” either in an open-ended or directed way, such as “tell me what you think the problem is,” the other person is free to share their most pressing views without being influenced by a leading question. You learn the other person’s definition of a situation or problem.

The possibilities are endless..

Tell me what it would take for you to say yes?

Tell me what is preventing you from making a decision today?

Tell me what you like and don't like about our product, service or idea?

Tell me what you like or don't like about your present supplier?

Well you get the idea.    And here is my favorite phrase to really get someone to open up....

That's interesting, tell me more?

Of course for this to really work it's vital that you not only shut up after saying the phrase but you also need to really listen.   Over my many years of teaching sales one of the biggest downfalls of many people is that they talk too much and listen too little.

Now I double dog dare you to take this phrase for a spin for a full week?   Try it not just on your clients but also on friends, family and anyone you meet.  I'm certain you will find just as I have that this simple phrase will works it wonders beyond your expectations.

It's to forget to use this powerful little phrase until you make it a habit,
so I printed this little card and carried it around for a week to remind myself to use it at every opportunity.   It worked it wonders..


Monday 22 June 2020

It's not who you know that matters most

"it's not who you know it's who you know that likes you"

I've been writing for years about how to make our lives; fun, easy and over-flowing with abundance. Lately, I've been wondering...what is the easiest way to accomplish that? If there was just one thing that could impact our lives in a positive way, what would it be?

In search of an answer, I tried to think of who I knew that seemed to have a charmed, happy and profitable life? I could think of many people, some I knew and some I read about. So I asked myself, what do they have in common? And the answer is....."they are all likeable"

People who are likeable tend to get the best jobs, build the best companies, have more friends, better relationships and enjoy life more. Sounds good, right? But that doesn't even touch all of the benefits of being likeable. Here are a few more;

* Doctors give more time and better care to patients they like

* Likeability is the most consistent predictor of election results

* Likeable people inspire others to give more

* They get better and quicker service from retail businesses

* Likeable students get better marks from teachers

* They get forgiven quicker for misdeeds (I need that one)

* They have better physical and mental health

* Live longer and happier lives

* They are more persuasive

There's more but you get the point. Things come quicker and easier for likeable people. We favor them and do what we can to make their lives fun, easy and abundant. And this amigos is one of the biggest secrets I've ever learned...

"It isn't the choices we make about other people that makes life enjoyable, it's the choices they make about us"

There will always be the foolish few who actually prefer to go it alone. Their attitude is I don't need other people to make it. And with supreme effort, they still succeed. I'm just not one of those who wants to make any more effort than is necessary to reach my desires. If others want to help me out and make my life easier, I say welcome onboard.

Life is fun, easy and abundant when others want you to succeed because they like you. I've decided that at Edward's Happy School, the first subject taught will be....How to be more likeable! I can't think of a more important subject. My graduates will all be taught this vital skill and as a result will be world leaders in likeability.  Now that we have established that the most important skill to attain in life, is likeability, the obvious question is how?

I've been researching to provide you some answers. Appreciating my limited brain power you will have give me more come back tomorrow! I promise you some fresh insights. I might even go into more depth than the ever popular method of...buying the first round.

Smile, I really, really like you!

Sunday 14 June 2020

Confession....I use this sales tactic because it works like magic

"Reduce to the ridiculous"  
(read to the end or you'll miss the good stuff)

Imagine you go into a retail store and you see this...

Pretty irresitible, right?   And of course this is a very common tactic retailers use to part us from our money.   

Another example....

You've seen those late night commercials for the latest gizmo?   They follow a format like this...

This incredible gizmo normally retails for $120..

But wait today only you can own this marvelous technology for ONLY....$19.95
That's right only $19.99

But wait it gets better....order right now and we'll give two, that's right two of our fantastic gtizmo's for $19.99

But wait there's more....order today and we'll give you____________ for no extra charge.

This technique of 'reduce to ridiculous' is highly effective.   And we know it works because they run those annoying commercials endlessly.   They wouldn't do it if it didn't work.

Reduce to ridiculous method #2...

Car dealers and realtors use the same technique in a different way.    E.g

First they quote the regular car price.........$24,000
Then the sale price (today only)..........$21,900
Then the monthly payments .......................... $380

Or better yet weekly...................................$95

See how 'reduce to ridiculous works'?    We started talking at $24,000 and end up at only $95.    Our mind just can't stop thinking about the $95.   It's such an incredible deal. Better grab it before its gone!

Now time for me to read your mind......'ok Guru nothing new here, tell us something we didn't know?'

Reduce to ridiculous method #3

Imagine you are at one of my brilliant talks.    At the end of the talk it is time for me to pitch my best selling book?    Here's how I would do it step by step...

1.   Tell them what the book can do for them.
2.   Tell them why them would be smart to own it.
3.   Then I would say....the first question people usually ask me much is your book worth?  My response....conservatively 1,000's of dollars and maybe more.
4.   A chuckle.....but I won't charge you that much
3.   Then give them a deal.....normally my book sells for $29 but today because you were so much fun its yours for only $24

So using the reduce to ridiculous principal, I started at $1,000s and ended up at $24.   The little chuckle is a signal that I'm only joking however I have still  planted a big number in their head.  

How can you use this to your advantage?

It doesn't matter whether you are selling a product or a service.  Just throw out a wild number, chuckle and then give your real price.   It will seem like they are getting a great deal.  

Non-profits could use this also.    They might start out asking for BIG donation and then reduce to ridiculous.    Start out asking foe $500 and then add but every penny counts so any donation you make will put smiles on the faces of those poor kids. 

Stated out at $500 and ended up at pennies.   Of course they know no one is going to give pennies.   It works like magic.

Note.....even if you don't use  or don't approve of the tactic, isn't it a good thing to aware of the technique when it is being used on you?   And shouldn't your family and friends be made aware of it?


Wednesday 10 June 2020

9 traits of highly persuasive people.

 How many do you have?

1.  Constantly curious

In order to be highly persuasive you need to know everything possible about the person you are trying to persuade.  The two things most all people like to talk about are themselves and the things they like.  When you encourage others to talk about themselves they like you more.   And the more they like you the more they are likely to really listen when you do speak.    So ask a ton of questions and then be a...

2.  Great listener

The best sales people are not the fast talkers, they are the best listeners.   A rough guide line is to never talk more than 40% of the time.   Those who talk too much are not believed and make others suspicious of your intentions.

Learn to listen with your eyes.   Yeah sounds goofy but it really works and here is why?    When you watch intently you will begin to notice emotions that don't line up with their words. Paying attention to body language can give you valuable clues as what they are thinking.

The direction a person's feet are pointing will tell you where their head is.  If the feet are pointing away from you take that as a sign that they want to get away from you.   Crossed arms and leaning away from you may indicate they are not buying what you are saying.

3.  Generous

We all are pretty good at deciding who is a giver and who is a taker.    We like givers.   Giving also triggers reciprocity meaning they will feel a strong urge to give back and frequently give you more than you gave them.

A man gives a woman a sincere well thought out compliment and then asks her out on a date.   What do you think his chances of getting the date are?   Research says he has a 37% better chance of getting that date.   And guess what?   This principal can also help you make a sale.   Some people give out compliments like they were coming out their bank account.   Don't be that person.

Gift giving can cost a lot or nothing at all but the benefits can be great.   I have written extensively about the 'Rules of Reciprocity'.   It is powerful stuff.

4.  Storytellers

The most persuasive people don't have canned pitches they have great stories.   Stories are an amazing way to get past a persons resistance.   Tell a story about someone just like them had their problem and how you were able to solve it and chances are they will buy it.

5.  Light hearted 

Those who are too serious suck the energy out of us.   Serious can only be effective in time of emergency or in small doses.   We prefer to be around light hearted people.   And it is much easier to get a person who is laughing to say yes than by laying too much serious on them.

Serious people prefer the status quo.    People in light hearted mood are much more likely to try something new.  Job #1 is to start any interaction with a warm positive energy.

6.  Share the spotlight

Great persuaders are only to happy to share the spotlight and at times simply  deflect the spotlight on others.
They are the 'Public Praisers'.    They will seize every opportunity to praise others publically.   And how can you not  like someone who tells others how wonderful and talented you are?

7.   Comfort seekers

Not theirs....yours!   Great persuaders seek to make you comfortable.   They dress to make you comfortable.   They arrange to put you in situations that make you comfortable.   It's not about them, it's all about you.   Make a person comfortable and their resistance to you and your ideas dissolves.

8.  Clarify and simplify

Great persuaders know that too much information is a deal killer.   Too many choices mean no decision.  Complicated jargon is not believable.   It makes you sound salsey.   The more simple the persuasion the better the chance that it will be accepted.

Do you remember this line from the OJ Simpson trial....if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit.   That simple line won the day.    Simplify.

9.  Admit you don't know

When you admit that you don't know something or that you were wrong, what happens?   Your credibility goes sky high.   It gets interpreted as a sign that you are honest and to be trusted.   Most people won't do that and then again.....most people aren't great persuaders!

HELP.......I would love to know if you have any thoughts on other top traits for highly persuasive people?
Let me know in the comments below....thanks much appreciated!

Friday 13 March 2020


Now my head won't fit through the door!

Following my workshop 'Secrets of Master Persuaders', I received this message from Juey Ann MacLeod, CEO at JOY Inc.   With her permission, I humbly share it...

"I was amazed at how much I enjoyed Edward McBeth's sales seminar.  It was one of the best of 150 plus workshops I have attended.

Each point was stated and illustrated by an entertaining story or example.  Then followed up with a clear and concise handout.  The handout with the key points was small enough for me to put in my wallet and I referred to it just before I secured my next sale.

Edward's warm, wise and engaging personality invited me to learn what could have been a dry factual presentation.

I wished it was a full day because he left me with a thirst to learn more from him!

(shared with permission from Juey Ann MacLeod, CEO at JOY Inc.)


Monday 9 March 2020

Magical phrase to get what you want

Would you be willing to..

This phrase is used by FBI negotiators, super smart sales people and now me.   It has a sort of magical effect on people, making them jump to say yes to your request.

You are going to want to try this and try it often, to prove how well it works because it sure does. 

Some examples..

Would you be willing to meet with me on Monday, so that I can explain how we can build the home of your dreams for less than what you might think?

Would you be willing to try out our program on a 6 month trial period because then you will see why we have so much repeat business?

Would you be willing to come into our dealership on Saturday, because we have some new vehicles that just came in and I think you will be excited to see what we have to offer?

Would you be willing to help me finish this project because with your expertise we could do it faster and better?

Interestingly, this technique was tested against phrases like;

Would you like to_________?
Would you be interested in _________?

It was no contest.   Not even close.  Would you be willing, smoked the other phrases.   And it still worked it's magic even after a negative response.  Some times as soon as the 'willing' was uttered, people would jump in and say:  Oh, yes, absolutely!

Why it works..

That phrase gives people a sense of control.   It makes them feel like they are the boss.   That they are in the position of power to grant a favor or a request.  It is an instinctual response to say yes.

Would you be willing to test drive this phrase for a week and let me know how it works for you?

Would you be willing to hit the facebook icon below and share this post with others because it would put a smile on my face?  It's that little f at the bottom of the page.  


Friday 6 March 2020

Selling gets easier when you do this

We all have a deep, deep need for a sense of being in control

Note, this says a sense of control and not actual control.   

Feeling that we are not in control is a terrible resistance builder.  Using pressure tactics to sell just doesn't work any more.  And even if you do happen to make the sale, they sure as heck won't become a repeat customer or recommend you to anyone.

The control trap

The control trap is when sales people and persuaders try to dominate the conversation.  Or, they try too hard to impress clients with their superior knowledge.   They want to hold the reins of control because they believe they can make their clients give into their wishes using tactics that are 50 years behind the times.

It doesn't work.  It is doing it the hard way.   Your clients don't like it and it's no fun for you either.   No one wants to feel like they are being pushed or manipulated into buying something.

Your first objective is not to make a sale, it is to start a relationship!

Well, you're the boss so you decide

This is one of my absolute favorite techniques to use both to close a sale or in those moments when you see a client is having a hard time deciding.

When accompanied with that open palms gesture and a smile it is especially effective.   It conveys trust in your client and feeds the ego at the same time.   Most people never get to be the boss.  This phrase and gesture gives them a strong sense of control and makes them want to give their approval (because that's something usually only the boss get's to do).

I had a investor that I was pitching a commercial building worth 7.6 million dollars.   He was having a hard time trying to decide whether to make an offer.   He looked as though he was about to say those dreaded words...'let me think about it'.  Before he could say anything, I said, 'well Daniel, you're the boss so you decide'.   He paused for a few seconds and then replied,  'ok, let's do this'.   I've been a big fan of this technique ever since.  

Why it works..

We know that logic makes us think but it's emotions and feelings that make us act.   By telling the client he or she is the boss, you make them feel good about themselves.  And if you can make people feel things, you can make them act.

 But you are free..

Make a request, but acknowledge the other person has a choice. PsyBlog explains that this persuasion technique reaffirms the person's freedom of choice and indirectly tells the other person that you're not threatening his/her ability right to say no.

E.g.  I believe this is the most cost effective option to solve your technical issues,   But you are free to examine a more expensive option with extra features.

This technique has been tested and proven to very effective.   Again, it gives the client a sense of control in making a decision.

What else can I do to make my clients feel a sense of control?

1.  Let them do most of the talking.   Ask lots of open ended questions.   When they respond ask follow up questions.  Then listen and learn.   When it's your turn to speak, pause for a couple of seconds. This ensures you won't interrupt them and makes it seem you are digesting what they are saying.

2.  Paraphrase back what they are saying.   

e.g.    So what I hear you saying is....
or, repeat back the last words that they said

e.g  Client says....our biggest concern is that we can't predict which way the market is going.
You say....which way the market is going?

This technique makes them feel that they are being heard and understood.

Did you know...

The more you can get someone to talk about themselves, the more they will like you.  And people buy things because of what they feel about the product and the person selling it even if they know there may be better alternatives.

If you can create an environment where another person will open up to you, you no longer have to sell them anything.   When you find shared values they will feel a strange connection with you.  Then it's as though they are buying from themselves.

So stop trying to sell and start trying to make a personal connection.   You will do that by talking less and listening more to give them the feeling of being in control and then buying your idea, product or service will come naturally.


Wednesday 26 February 2020

Secrets to closing more sales

"High pressure selling is stupid because pressure creates resistance"

In my years of coaching sales people, I came to realize the number one reason most people in sales under achieve is because they don't have an effective technique to  
close the sale.   Or they dreaded the uncomfortable high pressure moment created when asking, do you want to buy my product or service?  So they didn't even ask!

What happens in your clients brain when you ask; do you want to buy my product or service?

Research in neuroscience has shown that when you ask someone to buy, it causes them to shift into slow logical thinking mode.  The immediate response is to start thinking of the pros and cons.  Sure they will think of the positive benefits but they will also start thinking of potential negatives such as;

Is this the best price or should I negotiate more?

Can I really afford this?
Do I want to make a long term commitment?

Is this the best product or service available?
Should I do more research?
What will my partner or others think about me if I buy this?

The number of questions rattling around in their brain can be endless but I'm sure you get the point.  Asking someone if they want to buy is a terrible idea.  It leads to indecision and unnecessary pressure.  And as I said above, pressure leads to resistance.  Too much resistance and that's when they say, let me think about it
.  So is there a better way?

To understand the most effective way to seal the deal we need to understand how decisions are made.  This means understanding the Principle of Emotions and Logic...

This means that we should present facts to get them thinking favorably about our product or service and then at the very moment of decision (the close) we want to create a good feeling about our product or service.  At the moment of decision I don't want to know what they think. I want to know how they feel!  To do that I need to give my best reason to cause them to feel good about saying 'yes'.

What if, I could show you a surprisingly simple way to seal the deal without putting any pressure on your clients?   Because every one who has tried it has reported increased sales and had more fun in the process.  How would you feel about that?

Simple steps to get a 'Yes'

Smile, eye contact and use their first name

A warm smile while looking them in the eye sends the message that you are non threatening.  When someone says our name our first reaction is to perk up and pay attention.  People are easily distracted and if a sales presentation is long, it is common for their mind to wander.   Just hearing their name spoken makes them pay attention.

What if..

This is where you make a request.

What if you could own this beautiful vehicle for only $299 per month?
What if you take possession of this home before Christmas?
What if you could protect your families future with this low monthly investment?

What if you were able to retire comfortably by the age of 55?
What if we were to try out that new zip line on Saturday?

Why it works..

'What if' is not a direct question.  It is just a 'what if'.   What if asks the other person to imagine an outcome.   The beauty of a what if question is that the person being asked can not stop themselves from imagining what you are proposing.

If your client is not receptive to your request the 'what if' will flush out their real objection.   Maybe they don't like the price.  Maybe they are not yet sold on your proposal and need more information.

What if allows you to test the water without risking a flat out no because it is only a what if question.


Because is considered to be the most persuasive word in the English language.  

Research has shown that when you use a because (even if it's not a particularly great reason) it will cause people to respond more favorably to your request.   Just how effective is it?  According to Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer, using 'because' with any request increased the possibility of cooperation from 60 to 94%.  Let that sink in?

How would you feel about that?

I call this the phrase that pays!

Since we know that almost all decisions are made by emotions and feelings, that is what we want to prime in our clients.   Decisions are made from our non conscious thought process.   It just feels right or it doesn't.

What we don't want to do is prime them to use their slow rational thinking process.   Confession time.... I had a bad habit of saying after my pitch, 'well, what do you think?'  Bad.   Very bad because it primes a person to start thinking of pros and cons.  Is this the best price?   What if it doesn't work as promised?  Do I want to be stuck in a long term contract?

My new truth is; I don't care what they think.  But I care deeply about how they feel!

Asking 'how would you feel about that?' primes their feelings and emotions.  Then if it feels right, they will probably give you a favorable response and avoid dredging up those decision killing or delaying pros and cons.

Some examples..

Home buyer:   Ashley, what if we could get you into this beautiful home in 30 days because can you imagine how much fun it would be to entertain your family and friends here for Christmas?  How would you feel about that?

Insurance client:  Nathan, what if you could have both the peace of mind knowing your family will be protected and build wealth for retirement at the same time.  Because all it will take is a low monthly investment? How would you feel about that?

Car buyer:  Amanda, what if  we could get you into this spectacular sports car for only $295 per month?   Because can you imagine taking a trip in the mountains in this beautiful machine?  How would you feel about that?

Job seeker:  Robert, what if you were to hire me for a six month trial period?  Because then I could show you that my potential far exceeds my qualifications.  How would you feel about that?

Getting an appointment:   Sandy, what if we could meet for 30 minutes at your office on Friday?  Because then I could show you how I can help you get more quality customers.  How would you feel about that?

As you can see you can use this beautifully simple technique to get a yes to your request, whatever that might be

And when they respond favorably..

Assume it's a done deal!

My favorite response is to smile, shake hands and say something like, 'that's great Joseph,  I'll get the paper work done and get to work for you as soon as possible'.   Or, 'terrific Meghan,  now if you'll approve our agreement (hand her a pen) I can get to work on this.

What if you don't get a 'yes' using this technique?

The door is never closed because it was only a 'what if'.   You can always question deeper to identify any objections and then try another 'what if' question.

Your mission should you decide to accept it, is to keep practicing and perfecting this technique.   Because very quickly you will become a master closer.  How would you feel about that?

All you need to remember is these 4 simple steps..
1.  What if...
2.  Because...

3.  How would you feel about that?
4.  Buy me a beer!


It's a do different day! Einstien said doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity. So because I know you d...