Monday 13 July 2020

Simple phrase to get people to tell you what they are really thinking


To find out the needs, wants, and views of others just ask. Tell me what you need to move forward? or Tell me more about the problems you are facing?,” Amazingly, people will happily open up and give you insights into what they are thinking and what their priorities are.

‘Tell me’ is more than just a prompt. It almost compels the other person to open up. It’s the broadest possible question to give you the most information.  And that gives you the best possible insight into the challenges you’re facing.

"You can't solve an objection unless you first find out what the real objection is"

'Tell me', gives the person you are trying to persuade a feeling of being in control instead of the feeling of being sold.
 There are several reasons why it’s so effective. It gives you the other person’s view. When you say “tell me” either in an open-ended or directed way, such as “tell me what you think the problem is,” the other person is free to share their most pressing views without being influenced by a leading question. You learn the other person’s definition of a situation or problem.

The possibilities are endless..

Tell me what it would take for you to say yes?

Tell me what is preventing you from making a decision today?

Tell me what you like and don't like about our product, service or idea?

Tell me what you like or don't like about your present supplier?

Well you get the idea.    And here is my favorite phrase to really get someone to open up....

That's interesting, tell me more?

Of course for this to really work it's vital that you not only shut up after saying the phrase but you also need to really listen.   Over my many years of teaching sales one of the biggest downfalls of many people is that they talk too much and listen too little.

Now I double dog dare you to take this phrase for a spin for a full week?   Try it not just on your clients but also on friends, family and anyone you meet.  I'm certain you will find just as I have that this simple phrase will works it wonders beyond your expectations.

It's to forget to use this powerful little phrase until you make it a habit,
so I printed this little card and carried it around for a week to remind myself to use it at every opportunity.   It worked it wonders..


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