Monday 8 August 2022


9 traits of highly persuasive people. How many do you have?

1.  Constantly curious

In order to be highly persuasive you need to know everything possible about the person you are trying to persuade.  The two things most all people like to talk about are themselves and the things they like.  When you encourage others to talk about themselves they like you more.   And the more they like you the more they are likely to really listen when you do speak.    So ask a ton of questions and then be a...

2.  Great listener

The best sales people are not the fast talkers, they are the best listeners.   A rough guide line is to never talk more than 40% of the time.   Those who talk too much are not believed and make others suspicious of your intentions.

Learn to listen with your eyes.   Yeah sounds goofy but it really works and here is why?    When you watch intently you will begin to notice emotions that don't line up with their words. Paying attention to body language can give you valuable clues as what they are thinking.

The direction a person's feet are pointing will tell you where their head is.  If the feet are pointing away from you take that as a sign that they want to get away from you.   Crossed arms and leaning away from you may indicate they are not buying what you are saying.

3.  Generous

We all are pretty good at deciding who is a giver and who is a taker.    We like givers.   Giving also triggers reciprocity meaning they will feel a strong urge to give back and frequently give you more than you gave them.

A man gives a woman a sincere well thought out compliment and then asks her out on a date.   What do you think his chances of getting the date are?   Research says he has a 37% better chance of getting that date.   And guess what?   This principal can also help you make a sale.   Some people give out compliments like they were coming out their bank account.   Don't be that person.

Gift giving can cost a lot or nothing at all but the benefits can be great.   I have written extensively about the 'Rules of Reciprocity'.   It is powerful stuff.

4.  Storytellers

The most persuasive people don't have canned pitches they have great stories.   Stories are an amazing way to get past a persons resistance.   Tell a story about someone just like them had their problem and how you were able to solve it and chances are they will buy it.  

5.  Light hearted 

Those who are too serious suck the energy out of us.   Serious can only be effective in time of emergency or in small doses.   We prefer to be around light hearted people.   And it is much easier to get a person who is laughing to say yes than by laying too much serious on them.  

Serious people prefer the status quo.    People in light hearted mood are much more likely to try something new.  Job #1 is to start any interaction with a warm positive energy.

6.  Share the spotlight

Great persuaders are only to happy to share the spotlight and at times simply  deflect the spotlight on others.
They are the 'Public Praisers'.    They will seize every opportunity to praise others in publc.   And how can you not  like someone who tells others how wonderful and talented you are?

7.   Comfort seekers

Not theirs....yours!   Great persuaders seek to make you comfortable.   They dress to make you comfortable.   They arrange to put you in situations that make you comfortable.   It's not about them, it's all about you.   Make a person comfortable and their resistance to you and your ideas dissolves.

8.  Clarify and simplify

Great persuaders know that too much information is a deal killer.   Too many choices mean no decision.  Complicated jargon is not believable.   It makes you sound salsey.   The more simple the persuasion the better the chance that it will be accepted.  

Do you remember this line from the OJ Simpson trial....if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit.   That simple line won the day.    Simplify.

9.  Admit you don't know

When you admit that you don't know something or that you were wrong, what happens?   Your credibility goes sky high.   It gets interpreted as a sign that you are honest and to be trusted.   Most people won't do that and then again.....most people aren't great persuaders!

HELP.......I would love to know if you have any thoughts on other top traits for highly persuasive people?
Let me know in the comments below....thanks much appreciated

Thursday 4 August 2022


A good mood is money in the bank!


Admit it, just looking at that image of a happy sun lifted your mood, right?

The good news...

Good moods increase optimism and feeling optimistic can encourage a customer to make a purchase or be persuadable to a request.  Why?  because when we feel optimistic we also feel empowered and are more willing to take a risk or make a buying decision. 

This is elementary level stuff for kids.  Kids know not ask mom or dad for something when they are in a foul mood.  But when dad's team just won the big playoff game or mom just got a promotion at work, their good mood makes them particularly vulnerable to a request for a new bike or a trip to get ice cream.

But wait it get's better...

Consumers in a good mood make impulsive buying decisions more frequently that they would when feeling neutral or negative.

And that's not all...

Clients tend to like sales people more when they are in a good mood.  Of course this positivity can fade quickly if the sales person doesn't live up to expectations.

Why is this so important?  

"It's because all things being equal we prefer to do business with people we like.   And all things not being equal, we still prefer to do business with people we like."

That's right,  even if you don't have the best qualifications, product or service, you can still get a 'yes' just because they like you.  And consider this..

"If you get the business because you have the best product, service or price, you might lose the business when someone else has a better product, service or price.

But if they really like you, then you would really have to screw up before they would go elsewhere."

And did you know...

Clients in a good mood don't just make a sale more likely, they are more receptive to a higher purchase price!

The secret that Master Persuaders know is that moods are contagious!

We know that sales go up on warm sunny days or when the home team wins the championship.  But not every day is going to be sunshine, roses and rainbows.  So if you can't sell in the sunshine than be the sunshine.

Your mood can make or break a sale.  You already know that being in a negative mood kills sales.  But did you know that even being in a neutral mood also hurts your chances?

Master Persuaders are like method actors.  You can't always be Mrs Charming or Mr  Happy Go Lucky so you have to get yourself in a good mood before you start talking to your clients.  And how are you going to turn on the charm in an instant when the phone rings?

Glad you asked grasshopper!   Here's one of my magic tricks for a quick mood lift...

I keep this card next to my phone.  One glance at it usually makes me smile.  And the effect it has on clients is hilarious.  Usually they will come back some smart a** response like;  well you can get me a hot date for Saturday or you can sell me what I want for half price. The point is it usually makes them laugh.   And a shared laugh is like crazy glue for sales.

Just imagine what it would feel like if you called a company and they answered with something  like this...

"Hello this is Amanda, thank you for calling ABC Products And Services.   How can we make you happy today?

Compare that to the typical company message...."Hello this is Amanda, thank you for calling ABC Products And Services.  How may I direct your call?

We all like to laugh and joke around.   It's like honey to a bear, we just can't resist it.   It makes us feel good.

There are a boatload of ideas for helping to put you and your clients in a good mood.   Here are just a few...


A sincere compliment.  A few weeks ago I ran into a lady I hadn't seen for several years.  She said to me, 'you look great have you been working out?'   Ok, maybe she wasn't being all that sincere but who cares it made me feel great.  Mark Twain and I have something in common..

And then there are those who give out compliments like they are coming out of their bank account.  Why be stingy?  They cost nothing and make both the giver and receiver feel great.

Small gifts

Imagine you are toiling away at your desk and one of your co-workers unexpectedly shows up with a cup of your favorite coffee. How thoughtful, right?  That good feeling can last for hours.  Later that day he asks you for a small favor. What are you going to say? 

Good gossip

What if you heard that a client was saying good things about you behind your back?  Gossip travels at light speed no matter whether its good or bad.

A warm smile

Have you noticed that when you smile at someone, they smile right back at you.   It is an irresistible  response and makes them instantly like you a little more.   Have you ever noticed that those that smile the most tend to be the most popular.  We are drawn to happy people like wine to the women I know and like.

If you wanted to, I'll bet you could come up with 10 ways to create a good mood for someone in mere minutes? 

And if you want to make me happy, please share this article!  

It's a do different day! Einstien said doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity. So because I know you d...