Wednesday 20 March 2019

Ridiculously simple way to boost your brain power

What if I told you there is a super easy way to boost you brain power, improve your memory and increase your creativity?

Have you ever watched little kids trying to remember something?

That's right, they squeeze their eyes shut! It turns out they are onto something brilliant.   When you are trying to come up with an idea or remember something just by closing your eyes greatly improves your abilities to be like a kid....brilliant!

The other day at the gym I saw a guy I hadn't seen in several years and for the life of me I couldn't remember his name.  I racked my brain telling myself ...I know this guy why the heck can't I remember his name.  Damn he saw me, this is going to be embarrassing. Then I remembered to close my eyes and try to recall his name.  Bingo!  In seconds I remembered his name and his life story.  (improved memory)

As most people who like to write know it is so damn easy to get stuck in the muck of your of uninspiring writing.   I'm always looking for ways to spice up my writing and leave out the boring parts.

As my son once said to me, 'Dad you have small bursts of brilliance in a sea of mediocrity'.  Yikes!   So one day I decided to test drive this idea of closing my eyes to come up with ideas.   It took a couple of minutes of pondering when I got the idea to record every good metaphor I read or heard.   I've got tons of them now.

Here are some examples...

A beer in my hand is worth two in your fridge.

To some people giving a speech is like petting a porcupine.

He is like the guy who uses broccoli as a pizza topping.  His need to do what is right, sucks the fun right out of life! (my creation)

Then with my eyes closed this brilliant idea hit me.   Maybe I could turn my collection into a book?   Then anyone who needs or wants to write without boring their readers to beers, could use it as a reference to spice up their writing abilities. (increased creativity)

The more I use this ridiculously simple technique, the more the ideas flow like moonshine at a hillbilly convention.

Why it works...
Research has shown that vision uses up 30% of your brain power. So it follows that when you close your eyes, you free up  more room for memory or creativity.  Amazingly this works better than even drugs! (and it's free)

I double dog dare you to try this because the more you do it the better it works.   And it's so easy, it's like playing tennis with the net down.

P.S.   If you know anyone who is having memory problems please share this idea.   And if you want to make me happier than a seagull with a french fry, leave a comment and share, thanks!


  1. Awesome Ed! Thanks for the tip - I could use all the help I can get!


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