Thursday 9 January 2020

Fortune favours the bold

"Years from now it won't be what you did that you will regret the most.  It will be the things you didn't do"

I'll bet you a beer that there have been many times in your life when you have looked back and said to yourself....damn I wish I'd done something bold instead of playing it safe. 

It is human nature to play it safe and yet who has ever changed the world or achieved their wildest dreams by playing it safe?  

So what keeps us from doing the things we know we should do or would like to do? Mostly fear. Sometimes it's procrastination and many times we are just being a little too timid. The cure.....a decent boldness!

I say decent boldness as opposed cockiness or arrogance. A decent boldness is a reasoned decision with a slight risk taking element to it.  I say boldness as opposed to using a word like courage. Courage is a difficult word. It brings back associations for a lot of people of things like when you were bullied as a child. It's possible to be a little lacking in courage and still find some boldness. 

The good news is that boldness kicks the crap out of fear and procrastination.

Here are just a few examples of ways you can use boldness to your benefit;

*speak out when you feel an injustice
*take the first step to start a friendship
*share a thought or idea 
*ask for help
*take a chance
*try something new
*ask for a raise
*ask for forgiveness
*start something new
*make a suggestion
*write a comment on a blog
*start a business

The list could on forever, a decent boldness is all we need to change our lives for the better. And as Virgil said...fortune belongs to the bold! We can find great fortune if we have the courage and character to make bold decisions

"It's an exciting time for those with a decent boldness"

Over a hundred years ago Goethe wrote: "whatever you can do or dream, you can do. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it"   (Smart guy)

Now if I might be so bold as to ask a favour of you...please pass this article on to someone else who might benefit from it.  Thanks!

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It's a do different day! Einstien said doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity. So because I know you d...